# On the Importance of Encrypted-SNI (ESNI) to Censorship Circumvention ## Publications Zimo Chai, Amirhossein Ghafari, Amir Houmansadr. On the Importance of Encrypted-SNI (ESNI) to Censorship Circumvention. In Proc. of: Free and Open Communications on the Internet, 2019, USENIX ## Trace Overview We release all our probing tools and datasets to maintain reproducibility and to benefit future works on censorship measurement, obtainable at [UMASS traces website](http://traces.cs.umass.edu/index.php/Network). ## Layout Layout of the folder: ``` . ├── dns_injection │   ├── experiments │   └── list ├── esni_experiments │   ├── esni_1m │   ├── esni_censorship_detection_countries │   ├── esni_initial_test │   └── scan_cloudflare_debugging_page ├── figures ├── ip_blocking │   ├── dns_resolving_tool │   ├── map_blocked_ip_to_blocked_domain │   ├── masscan │   ├── masscan_in_bjjj │   ├── masscan_in_vj │   └── results_is_here ├── sni_filtering └── table_of_everything ``` ## Directory Descriptions * `dns_injection directory` contains the code and datasets used in the DNS injection detection experiment. The raw .pcap files are not included as the size of the folder is already huge. * `sni_filering direcotry` contains the code and datasets used in the SNI filering censorship detection experiment. * `ip_blocking directory` contains the code and datasets used in the IP blocking censorship detection experiment. Specifically, the code and datasets for the DNS resolving from Hongkong experiment is within `dns_resovling_tool directory`; the code and datsets for SYN-ping results from China and US are `in massscan_in_bjjj` and `masscan_in_vj` directories respectively. We use tools in `map_blocked_ip_to_blocked_domain` for mapping between IP and domains. Finally, all results are summaried and analized in `results_is_here` directory. * All results from the above three directories are summarized and integrated together into one file called `table_of_everything.csv` which is in the `table_of_everything` directory. * `figures` folder contains the images generated from a file called `data.txt`. The `data.txt` is simply the `table_of_everything.csv` file without the first header line. ## Contact Please do not hesitate to contact Zimo Chai via zchai@cs.umass.edu if you need any assistance with using this trace.